Sitemap - 2024 - BRK Daily

2011: Will Berkshire reinstate its shareholder charitable giving program?

2010: How would Buffett grade Kraft's capital allocation?

2009: What's Berkshire's post-mortem on GenRe?

2008: “If we can’t make a decision in five minutes, we can’t make it in five months.”

2007: How has the state of Florida intervened in the homeowner insurance market?

2006: Should the bankruptcy process be reformed?

2005: How does Buffett avoid anchoring to prior prices?

2004: How does Buffett choose metrics for incentives?

2003: Could Buffett ask Jimmy Buffett a favor?

2002: Why did Berkshire leave some info out of the annual report?

2001: Are durable "moats" going to become rarer?

2000: What can be done to manage Wesco's discount to intrinsic value?

1999: What does Buffett think about oil and silver?

1998: How would Berkshire fare without Buffett?

1997: Does Buffett pay attention to capital flows?

1996: What does Buffett think of the trend of layoffs and outsourcing?

1995: Why did Berkshire buy Guinness?

2024: Has Buffett's view on Apple changed since 2016?

1994: Are there presently better bargains in stocks or whole businesses?

2023: Never write a will without input from your children.

2022: Should index funds be prohibited from voting the shares they control?

2021: What are Charlie's latest thoughts on China?

2020: The Great Depression's long-term effect on stock prices.

2019: Are banks and insurers over regulated?

2018: Does the benefit of corporate tax cuts accrue to shareholders or consumers?

2017: Could 3G's Jorge Paulo Lemann join Berkshire's board or succeed Buffett?

2016: How do negative interest rates affect Buffett's valuations?

2015: How does German corporate culture and performance compare to American companies?

2014: Why did Berkshire pay more for Marmon and ISCAR than previous acquisitions?

2013: Can Fruit of the Loom compete with Gildan?

2012: What is Berkshire avoiding?

2011: Is nuclear power worth the potential catastrophic risk?

2010: How much of our current prosperity is due to oil?

2009: The U.S. trade deficit is actually China's problem.

2008: How did Buffett choose his successors?

2007: Buffett discusses the Klamath River dams.

2006: Is healthcare in the "too hard pile" at Berkshire?

2005: What are the long-term prospects of the pharma industry?

2004: Remembering Phil Fisher

2003: Does Buffett prefer capital light or capital intensive businesses?

2002: Why did Berkshire write down Dexter?

2001: Why did Buffett sell Freddie Mac?

2000: How much does incremental float increase intrinsic value?

1999: What does Berkshire do for philanthropy and charity?

1998: If forced to choose, would Buffett keep Berkshire's securities or operating businesses?

1997: Is Buffett bothered that religious groups are criticizing Disney?

1996: How does Buffett think about diversification and portfolio construction?

1995: Is the dip GEICO's ROE temporary?

1994: Does Buffett have a short-term opinion on the market?

2023: How has the retroactive insurance deal with AIG performed?

2022: Buffet is buying Activision as merger arbitrage trade.

2021: Will shareholders ever get to hear from Ted and Todd?

2020: The FDIC is a very good thing that came out of the Great Depression.

2019: How will automation affect employment?

2018: Why does Buffett think crypto is a bubble?

2017: How much buying power does Berkshire have?

2016: Did Berkshire overpay for Van Tuyl’s auto dealer business?

2015: Do Berkshire's formerly-public subsidiaries think long term?

2014: Why does Buffett compare Berkshire's book value to the S&P 500?

2013: Will Berkshire's future stock returns decline?

2012: How would Buffet value a declining business?

2011: Does Buffett worry about the debt ceiling?

2010: Why is Berkshire selling Moody's?

2009: Will Berkshire invest more in China?

2008: Why is Kraft a good business?

2007: Has Buffett considered allocating more capital to existing stock investments?

2006: Has has Berkshire's underwriting changed because of climate change and terrorism?

2005: Will Munger write a book about his collected wisdom?

2004: Is the home brokerage model sustainable?

2003: Why do Buffett and Munger donate money?

2002: Are investment banks becoming more influential?

2001: Will Berkshire run out of acquisition targets?

2000: Does Buffett mind paying taxes?

1999: How should a passive investor invest?

1998: Who does Buffett give speeches to?

1997: What would Buffett advise someone aiming to replicate the Buffett Partnership?

1996: What makes someone a good manager?

1995: Is Buffett's growing fame a distraction?

1994: How do insurers think about riots and hurricanes?

2023: How will disruptive technologies affect value investors?

2022: How can managers foster a shareholder culture like Berkshire's?

2021: Will Berkshire increasingly invest in high ROIC businesses?

2020: The Great Depression was a bump in the road for America.

2019: How will the new Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac programs for manufacturing housing affect Clayton?

2018: When would Buffett buy more than 10% of a public company?

2017: Is 3G the right partner for Berkshire at Kraft?

2016: How can investors tell when cost cuts have gone too far?

2015: What did Buffett learn from The Wealth Of Nations?

2014: How can someone figure out their circle of competence?

2013: What are Buffett's favorite quantitative stock metrics?

2012: How much slower will float grow in the future?

2011: How can investors learn to read faster?

2010: What’s a reasonable rate of return to expect from equities over the next decade?

2009: How did the Constellation and Dynegy deals come about?

2008: Will Berkshire get broken up after Buffett?

2007: How often does Buffett review his portfolio?

2006: How would Buffett read Berkshire's annual report?

2005: Does Buffett have any non-financial criteria for investing?

2004: What does Buffett think of Google's "owners manual"?

2003: What does Buffett think about China, considering the PetroChina investment?

2002: How would Buffett value a stock option?

2001: Do American consumers have too much debt?

2000: Why does Buffett ignore predictions?

1999: Does new technology slow inflation?

1998: What did Buffett buy silver?

1997: Share of mind counts more than share of market.

1996: How is Amex addressing its declining market share?

1995: Would Berkshire invest outside of the US?

1994: What does Buffett look for in a foreign investment?

2023: How bad will the commercial real estate downturn be?

2022: Can stocks keep pace with inflation?

2021: Would Ajit insure Musk's mission to Mars?

2020: America was not built without some "bumps in the road."

2019: Why doesn't Buffett invest Berkshire's excess cash in an index fund?

2018: What are TTI's competitive advantages?

2017: How did Buffett decide whether to exercise the Bank Of America warrants?

2016: Why doesn't Berkshire have a triple-A credit rating?

2015: How can the US simplify its tax code?

2014: Why hasn't Berkshire made more foreign investments?

2013: Does the game of investing interest Buffett more than the profits?

2012: Are capital-intensive businesses that can reinvest better than capital-light businesses that pay dividends?

2011: Don't measure every potential deal against the best deal you’ve ever made.

2010: Is the municipal bond market going to crash?

2009: What's the return on Berkshire's investment in wind farms?

2008: Is Buffett religous?

2007: Are some questions too imporport to be put into the "too hard" pile?

2006: How does Buffett separate process from outcome in investing?

2005: What does Berkshire look for in its directors?

2004: What are the benefits of GEICO's direct marketing strategy?

2003: How does Buffett approach banking investments?

2002: Why hasn't real estate been a focus for Berkshire?

2001: Which business schools teach investing correctly?

2000: Would Buffett ever advise someone to swap their Berkshire shares for gold?

1999: Why did Berkshire buy GenRe?

1998: Will Berkshire repurchase shares?

1997: Is the S&P 500's return on equity sustainable?

1996: If Buffett wouldn't by Berkshire here, does that mean he would sell it here?

1995: Why doesn't Berkshire buy back its shares?

1994: Has Buffett analyzed Wrigley and if so why didn't he invest?

2023: How will AI and robotics affect the stock market and society?

2022: How can investors implement Munger's latticework of mental models?

2021: Should Texas invest in more electric generating capacity or buy batteries?

2020: America's wealth, in real terms, has increased by 5,000x

2019: How will BHE invest to capture future growth?

2018: Could Buffett provide an update on Berkshire's newspaper business?

2017: Will Berkshire repurchase class A shares in private transactions?

2016: How does Berkshire do succession planning at subsidiaries?

2015: Should Buffett leave energy investing to Greg Abel?

2014: How will technology impact GEICO's moat?

2013: Update On Buffett's Hedge Fund Bet

2012: What risks does Berkshire's culture face after Buffett leaves?

2011: How can shareholders tell how well Buffett is allocating capital?

2010: Are the still opportunities to outperform the market?

2009: Crazy prices for Berkshire's credit default swaps

2008: Why doesn't Berkshire do more due diligence?

2007: What's Buffett's discount rate?

2006: What does Buffett think of Jeremy Siegel's ideas?

2005: How much liability should directors have for a company's misconduct?

2004: How should companies decide to pay dividends or buyback stock?

2003: What are the pitfalls of alternative measures of profitability?

2002: What are the economics of the Finoval deal?

2001: What does Buffett think about concrete and aggregates businesses?

2000: Why did Buffett originally buy the Berkshire Hathaway textile mill?

1999: What return on equity does Buffett expect for FlightSafety and Executive Jet?

1998: Will Berkshire consider investing in technology companies in the future?

1997: Why don’t more companies copy Berkshire?

1996: Does Buffett respond to individual letters?

1995: What is Berkshire's relationship with Lloyd's of London?

1994: How is Berkshire's structured settlements business going?

2023: Todd is doing a wonderful job at GEICO

2022: What does Buffett think about a tax on unrealized capital gains?

2021: Is crypto worthless?

2020: Nothing can stop the American economy.

2019: Independent directors aren't necessarily independent.

2018: Why have Berkshire's recent investments been in capital intensive industries?

2017: Have Ted and Todd been given more capital to manage?

2016: Does Berkshire's speedy deal making compromise due diligence and create risk?

2015: Has climate change affected Berkshire like it has affected other insurers?

2014: What are the benefits of entire businesses versus stocks?

2013: Is Berkshire too big to fail?

2012: How has GenRe adjusted to 50% lower premium volumes over the last decade?

2011: Did Lubrizol's board breach its fiduciary duty by not running a competitive process to sell the company?

2010: Does the iPad and other e-reading technologies make Buffett more optimistic about newspapers?

2009: What's the impact of Berkshire losing its triple-A credit rating?

2008: Are the risks at investment banks too complicated for anyone to manage?

2007: How do you know who to trust in business?

2006: What would Buffett and Munger do if they were starting over again?

2005: How will the US's large budget deficit resolve itself?

2004: How would Munger reform asbestos torts?

2003: How has Buffett's thinking on GenRe evolved since Berkshire bought it?

2002: How does litigation affect intrinsic value?